Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Doctor Visits!

Dr. Lishawa from Munson Medical Center made a visit to our classroom today! He was a connection to our unit on the Human Body. We, even myself, were amazed to have an expert in the medical field that could extend our learning about our own bodies. Dr. Lishawa is a pediatrician, and focused mainly on asthma, triggers that impact breathing, and how to keep healthy lungs for our bodies. 
All students partook in an experiment with straws to test how difficult it could be with barriers to breathing. Talk to your child about the two different straws experiment they did and how it impacted their breathing for a minute.
Dr. Lishawa had a great lesson for the students to learn more about their bodies that we did not cover in our Human Body unit. He interacted with the students and kept their eager attention, letting those many participate and connect personal experience with his professional expertise.
In the end, all students were able to listen to a partners heart and lungs through a stethoscope! Many smiles came out of this! They were so excited to actually wear a doctors tool, a stethoscope! And also, they were able to hear the sounds of the bodies systems working on the inside! Very cool!
Thank you Dr. Lishawa for visiting!!

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