Sunday, May 8, 2016

Updates & Reminders

NWEA Math Test
Tuesday, May 10th
9:30 am

This next week is the last week students will be allowed to check out books at their scheduled library time. The following Monday, May 16th, ALL library books are due back to the library. Mrs. Kubesh will be taking inventory of the LMC.

Book Swap
Westwoods is doing their second book swap!!
To encourage summer reading, your child has the opportunity to take home new “used” books of their interests. All students are invited to bring in gently used books from home. Your child may bring in as many as 10 books.  In return, they will be given a credit for each book to use at the swap.  Each book is worth one credit.
Used books can be brought to school between May 10th  and 17th
Books are to be given to the classroom teacher.  Please make sure the books are gently used and not torn or worn.  Your child’s old book will become another child’s new book.
Our classroom will be book swapping on Thursday, May 18th

Dumpsters on Parade
Sketching is done! Now the sketches are passed on to our awesome artists for their application to the new dumpsters. They will be doing this throughout the week.
Students will be painting the dumpsters the morning of Saturday, May 14th.
Permission slips will coming home on Monday, May 9th for next Saturday.

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