Saturday, October 31, 2015

McNitt Notes...

Little Bits of Weekend Work
In between all the fun festivities of Halloween, please have your child read through their story, The Frog Race, that came home Friday in their communicators. This is a story, along with many others, that we have exhausted in the classroom. 
Students read through stories individually, with a buddy, and sometimes in small groups where they apply learned phonics skills as reading strategies, increase their reading fluency and recall comprehension in written form.
The skills page that is tagging along is another practice page to reinforce the concept of using words appropriately with the added -ing suffix. In addition, all six sentences need quotation marks around what is being said. All punctuation and capitalization has already been inserted. Students need to only find the appropriate position for all sets of quotation marks. 
Please help your child to get this back into their communicators to return by Monday. Thank you!

Thank you to all students and families for donating books from our school book fair!! We are so appreciative and love the new book additions to our classroom library! THANK YOU!
Also, if any households are looking to get rid of any chapter books or picture books we would love to take those off your hands for our classroom library. Students are continuously shopping for new and interesting books. I would love more books for students to access. Thank you!

Westwoods Family Fun Night!
Westwoods family fun night at Incredible Mo’s is this 
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Please RSVP if your family plans to attend

Thank you to everyone who attended parent/teacher conferences last week and the week before! It was really great to see all of you again and to talk about your child's progress! It has been a really great year thus far with a great bunch of kiddos. We have a lot of new content, concepts, and curriculum to our classroom and learning, and they are doing a fantastic job taking it all in. Very proud of their progress and behavior, which makes it awesome to share with you all. Looking forward to what's ahead and the rest of the school year! 

Classroom Donations
Please checkout our Amazon Wish list for our classroom if you are looking to donate. The link is on the side of our blog site. You can also enter in McNitt Classroom to after clicking the wish list link.
We are also in need of Band Aids and Clorox Wipes. Winter season is coming with added germs and the beginning of flu season. We wipe down our desks and classroom areas everyday, which means we go through our disinfectant wipes quickly. 
Thank you for all your help and support!

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