Sunday, October 25, 2015

"Quotation Marks"

We recently are learning the purpose and use of quotation marks. We see how it can changes our voice when we are reading, depending the character who is speaking in our stories. We practiced talking like other people if different tones. Of course we had a few laughs from that one. We also practiced how to use quotation marks in our writing when showing when a person or character is speaking.
Not only do students need to know the purpose of quotation marks, but they also learned how to implement quotation marks into their writing.
- after said there is a comma to pause before quotation marks
ex: Mike said, "I love school!"
- punctuation inside the quotation marks: 
Capital at the beginning of the sentence AND capitalize the first word in quotation marks
Punctuation before last quotation mark
Ask your child to show you. Can they write a sentence using quotation marks?

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