Thursday, March 26, 2015

$$$ Money $$$$

This week we have moved away from measurement (cm, m, in, ft) and are beginning to explore different concepts with money. Second grade decided to take a different path than intended with the following chapters. Instead of moving into mass and volume, we are going to work through money, graphing, then fractions. We will be coming back to mass and volume later. 
Students did an awesome job with measurement, finding the difference between lengths, solving story problems, and more, showing me they are ready to move onto the next chunk of content. 
Within money students will be solving word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies using $ and c symbols. They will be able to:
-Recognize $1, $5, $10, and $20 bills. 
- Show and count money using coins and bills up to $20
- Write money amounts using $ and c signs
- Write dollars and cents and cents as dollars
- Compare amounts of money using tables
- Solve word problems

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