Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Tall Tales

Recent we have been talking about Tall Tales. This goes along with our unit on Folktales, Fables and other stories. The students are really enjoying hearing the totally outrageous stories that are exaggerated and humorous. Paul Bunyan is our recent read. It was hard not to read twice! We did an activity today by creating a Tall Tale Wheel. Students worked in groups and rotated stations to gather information together about the book Paul Bunyan
1. The setting of the tall tale is...
2. My favorite part of the tall tale is...
3. An example of exaggeration from Paul Bunyan is...
4. The main idea of the tall tale is...
5. Give your wheel a cover with title and pictures
In the end, students found a partner in a different group and exchange answers and what they thought. Some students gave their wheel added details throughout discussion.

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