Monday, March 16, 2015

Misc. Reminders

Field Trip
Permission slips and more information regarding our upcoming field trip were sent home last Friday. The same info is here on the blog. Please make sure your child has their permission slip and a $4 donation in by Friday, March 20th. Thank you!

Report Cards
Report Cards were sent home last Friday. I hope you were all able to find time this weekend to sit down and go over your child's report card with them. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child's present academic and behavioral report. If not, please keep the report card and return the envelope signed. I will use this one last time at the end of the year to send home Trimester Three/end of the year grades. Thank you!

Spring Fun Pictures
Wednesday, March 18th is spring fun picture day at Westwoods. Forms went home last week. If your child would like to participate in getting another set of pictures taken, with a little more jazz in the background this will take place that morning.

Homework & Spelling
Homework packets were sent home as usual today, along with new spelling words. All homework is due by Friday. All spelling tests will also be Friday.

1/2 Day of School
Thursday, March 26th

No School
Friday, March 27th

Classroom Donations
I did add a section to our blog off to the right labeled Classroom Donations. These are hot items in our classroom that we are frequently low on. If you are willing and able to make a supply donation to our classroom we would greatly appreciate it! Thank you for your continued support!

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