Monday, March 9, 2015

Reminders & Important Info

St. Patrick's Day
Next Tuesday, March 17th the students will be celebrating St. Patrick's Day with a twist. Both second grades will be getting together for a little inside and outside fun. All students will be snowshoeing and doing a Lucky Charms activity. They will be partnered and split into two large groups. While one group is snowshoeing, the other will be inside doing another activity, and switch.
We are in need of three parent volunteers. It will be a first come first serve basis. Please send me an e-mail or call.  
All activities will go from 9-10:15 that morning of the 17th. 
We are also in need of Lucky Charms. If anyone would like to donate for our inside activity please let me know.
Thank you! 

March is READING Month!
Wednesday we have an Author Visit at Westwoods. All classrooms will get an opportunity to visit with and hear a story written by Brainne Farley. Our classroom will be attending Wednesday afternoon. Very excited!!

PTO Meeting
PTO mtg Tuesday, March 10th in the Westwoods library at 6:30

Report Cards
Report cards will be coming home for the second trimester on Friday, March 13th. Please look for these in your child's backpack that afternoon. 

1/2 Day of School 
March 26th

No School
March 27th 

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